What your friendship means to me
personally. Like 98% chance (though if you're a random visitor, please
leave a comment!). So I figured I'd shoot something that I intend to
be "short", but no guarantees!
There was a time when I had very few or no friends. People used to
pick on me often, I was very depressed, and had often contemplated
suicide. Thankfully, I never actually attempted. Really, I am who I am
today because I now have awesome friends.
Yeah, we may not talk often. Yeah, we may only hang out once a year.
But ya know what? We're still friends! Just know I really appreciate
everything you've done for me and I hope we continue to have good
times until the end.
That was really hard to write, but I feel better now.
At 8:05 PM,
WingWoman said…
Hey Jamaal!
I'm not very emotional in many aspects of my life. But I will tell you that-- if theres ever a moment in your life that you need someone, I will always be there to listen, drive, console, and save you.
You are a GREAT friend. Don't let anything and anyone make you forget that.
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