One Gamer's Thoughts

My observations, rants, and philosophies on life and gaming in general

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What your friendship means to me

If you're reading this, chances are pretty high that I know you
personally. Like 98% chance (though if you're a random visitor, please
leave a comment!). So I figured I'd shoot something that I intend to
be "short", but no guarantees!

There was a time when I had very few or no friends. People used to
pick on me often, I was very depressed, and had often contemplated
suicide. Thankfully, I never actually attempted. Really, I am who I am
today because I now have awesome friends.

Yeah, we may not talk often. Yeah, we may only hang out once a year.
But ya know what? We're still friends! Just know I really appreciate
everything you've done for me and I hope we continue to have good
times until the end.

That was really hard to write, but I feel better now.


  • At 8:05 PM, Anonymous WingWoman said…

    Hey Jamaal!

    I'm not very emotional in many aspects of my life. But I will tell you that-- if theres ever a moment in your life that you need someone, I will always be there to listen, drive, console, and save you.

    You are a GREAT friend. Don't let anything and anyone make you forget that.


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