Prom 07
it here.
I basically didn't have to pay for anything for prom. My best friends
really wanted me to go, but I didn't have any money, nor did my
parents. So my best friend used her voucher on me at the last minute.
It meant so much to me at the time! I was going to prom and it was
going to be awesome! Even though she paid for me, she wasn't my date,
however. It didn't bother me at the time. I specifically wanted to go
to prom with this one girl, but I guess I was too slow because she
went with the salutatorian. She even promised me a dance, but that
didn't happen! We're still cool today. I really liked that girl, but
we could never date due to cultural differences. So I can at least be
her good friend, right? This will be a running theme in my life.
So yeah, prom night. We all meet up at the ringleaders house to take
pictures and stuff. A few of those pictures are on my facebook page.
We were having such a good time and didn't realize that we were
running late! Not for prom, but for dinner. So we head out for this
restaurant downtown. Aaaand we manage to get lost. Really lost. So
lost that we ended up at a McDonald's to ask some cop for directions.
That was easily one of the most embarassing moments of my life! Think
about it: the guys all tuxed up. The girls all in extravagant dresses
and with fabulous hair. In a McDonald's. Yeah... Despite this, we
managed to get lost again! So we all decided to skip dinner and just
go to prom. Oh and did I mention that one of the couples was bickering
the entire time? Best night ever.
We finally arrive and for a good while no one in our crew was dancing.
Just watching other people dance... Fun. One by one they started to
get up and dance. Me? I was consoling my friend half the night who was
one part of the arguing couple. Eventually I got up and danced a bit
("dancing" being a loose term because I never know WTF I'm doing), but
as soon as that slow song came on I had to exit. I had no one to share
that "intimate" moment with. I spent that down time eating and taking
pictures. Pictures that are still sitting in a disposable camera in my
room. Hopefully I'll get them developed some time soon! Let's pray
that they even come out.
So prom ended and we all headed to the hotel room for a little bit of
an after party. Well, not me, since I didn't have a car and my ride
was waiting outside. She said she would hang around for another hour
or so, but I opted to leave almost as soon was possible. Loved my
friends to death, but I kinda feared what was gonna go on in that
room. Yup, I was lame, and if I were presented with a similar
situation today I would still be lame. My suspicions turned out to be
correct I would later find out. Nothing super sketchy, but it eould be
the basis that would end a friendship a month later. I don't know if I
ever want to get into that, but I will say that if what transpired was
the basis to end our friendship, we weren't very good friends in the
first place. I really care for her and still want to be her friend,
but she'd rather not have anything to do with me.
If you haven't gathered by now: Prom was awful. It was not worth it
and I will not be telling my theoretical children to go to prom and
waste hundreds of dollars. Well, I'd probably be the one wasting
money... Anyway, I'm sure there are those that went to prom and had a
magical experience, but I was not one of them. Prom is overrated.
At 8:08 PM,
WingWoman said…
For the record,it could have gone worse! haha-- atleast you can say that you went to your prom! There's a moment in your life that you will never wonder "what it would have been like". You went-- maybe it wasn't the best-- but hey, its the experiences that count.
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