Don't call it a comeback
I've been inspired by a good friend of mine, who also reminded me how
much I like to write. I gave this blog a perusal for the first time
and years and I was amazed. 17 year old me could write pretty well!
Unfortunately I've been out of school for about 3 years now and my
writing prowess (if you could call it that) seems to have left me. For
example, I can't think of a proper way to end this paragraph! I miss
my "talent" if you can call it that. Funny, writing was one of the few
things I could do marginally well, and yet my grades in English were
mediocre at best.
So what can you expect here? The same kind of things that I was
posting before! Ya know, my nonexistent love life, gaming opinions,
and just general random thoughts. I did have some political blog
entries in the past, though I doubt I'll be posting more of that. I'm
just too uninformed to say anything relevant or logical these days.
Especially without a tv or Internet connection. My iPhone seems to be
my saving grace in that regard. There are an abundance of apps to use
to follow news, and they were completely ignored until today.
I just downloaded the NYTimes and The Onion app, and they both seem to
be satisfying my curious itch. Though one is obviously scratching my
sarcastic side. Mini review: they're both alright if a bit plain and
simple. I generally like the cool, sleek look of most apps, but these
are the total opposite. Though I should probably just lower my
expectations since it is just news. They're both getting the job done
and I hope to get much use out of them.
Back to the meat of this entry. I've had a lot of ideas swilring
around in my head about what is should post about in the future.
Things like what I've been up to these past 4 years, what games I've
been playing, work and hopefully school. The goal is for this to be an
outlet to relieve stress and generally inform those who are curious
enough to read my ramblings. Though if I talk to you regularly you
probably already know most of what I'll be posting here. Did I mention
I was posting this from my iPhone? Yeah, future entries for the time
being rely on how much I want to deal with poking at a screen for
extended periods of time (I've already spent about 15 minutes on this
entry). Thankfully it's not as bad as I thought it would be, thanks in
huge part to the auto correction and my own boredom.
So, yeah. I have plans for this thing. None of them guaranteed. I'll
catch whoever is reading this thing later
At 10:18 PM,
*~WingWOman~* said…
Hi you!
I have wonderful expectations from your blog. It is the best way to relieve stress-- no joke.
Well I'm about to post another blog in a minute, so I hope you can check it out :).
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